Thursday, April 19, 2007

Because I Love You

This video appeared briefly on YouTube and has since been yanked. It is one of the best uses of the Internet I have ever seen: storage for a public access TV program from Atlanta.

Let Alexyss Tylor's zen-like ramble about sexual power wash over you as it appears to wash over her mother. I found two still-active links here

and here

Go. Watch. You'll be glad you did.


lorna said...

so rad!!! phenomenally. stealing this.

queercat said...

Warning--humorless rant ahead:

Ugh. I got through about 3 minutes of this and had to shut it off. What's so wrong with being "hung up" on clitoral stimulation? Apparently, this woman has never heard of the "myth of the vaginal orgasm." It's great to hear a woman talk so frankly about sex, but I can't help feeling that she's invalidating the sexual identities of many women. Plus, her whole notion that women really need an "inner" orgasm from a penis to feel sexually "whole" is heterosexist and punishes women for masturbating, besides being completely unsupportable by medical research. What are her qualifications, anyway? Not to be overly critical, but give me Dan savage over this any day.

geoffreycrayon said...

I found Ms. Tylor deeply serious and took copious notes during the show.

In fact, when she started talking about how a worthwhile lover wouldn't neglect to "buy you a Long John Silver's Shrimp Basket for $2.99," I was moved to action. Unfortunatley, there are no Long John Silver's in the immediate area. I may petition the city to encourage the opening of a Long John Silver's immediately, for the sexual health of the city.

Also, at the end of the segment, I was inspired by Ms. Tylor's invocation of Jesus to guard against "penis power," and her encouragement that women everywhere stay "prayed up." Truly, prayer has a powerful effect on penises everywhere--as medical experiments conducted by the Christian Coalition under AMA supervision have no doubt proven.

Atlanta public access television--who knew it would prove to be a major source, nay, perhaps our suffering nation's only source, of truly accurate, highly coherent, politically unassailable, and emphatically not crazy-sounding sexual advice? I mean, who would have guessed?!!

B said...

It's funny how so many people are reacting to this--she's on now and has her own website:

I agree with Cait, but I think she may offer some of those women a way out of bad relationships--the kind of women who will listen to her over any one else, unfortunately. Maybe she'll be a stepping stone to Carol Queen!